Free to Use SEO Cannibalization Detector

Using the SEO Cannibalization Detector, you can easily access your Google search console query data and catch cannibalizations in the queries you have based on the attribute and date range you choose.

You can quickly access all your query - URL data and capture all cannibalizations of a property you want in the date range you want. All identified cannibalizations are downloaded to your computer as CSV output.

As TechSEOHub, we definitely do not store or log your Google Search Console data or your account addresses to which you make e-mail connections. We also do not log and store the data you obtain as a result of the connection in any way.

We guarantee your data security.

How to Use SEO Cannibalization Detector

SEO Cannibalization tool connects to Google search console and uses query, URL, clicks and Impression data of a property you want.

how to use cannibalization tool step 1 image
  • As a starting point please first Click the Get Query Data button in the image on the landing page of the Cannibalization Detector Tool to connect to Google Search Console with an account of your choice.
  • After clicking the Get Query Data button, you will be redirected to the Google account selection screen to select the email you want to link your Google search console data to for use in the tool.
  • After successfully connecting the Google search console authorized mail whose data you want to use, you will see the following property and date selection screen.
  • how to use cannibalization tool step 2 image. Explains the next step.
  • In this screen, you can select the property you want to use in the tool to pull data from, and you can select the date range of the query data you want to use in this property.
  • After selecting the date and property, you can start the cannibalization checks by pressing the Find Cannibalizations button.
  • If you want to change your currently connected account to another account, you can exit the account you are logged in to by clicking the Connect with Another Account button.