HTTP 507 Response Status Code Guide: What is it, Usage, Methods

Jun 18 2024 by Oskay Günaçar

What Is HTTP 507 Status Code?

The HTTP 507 status code is used to indicate that the server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request. This status is often associated with the "Insufficient Storage" error in Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) systems.

This code can be returned when a request requires the creation or modification of a resource on the server, but the server cannot store the required data due to issues like full disk space or exceeding a quota. In such cases, the server tells the client that it cannot process the request because it doesn’t have enough space to safely complete the operation.

While HTTP 507 is primarily associated with WebDAV, which extends the HTTP protocol to allow for the management of web files, it could potentially be used in other contexts where a server runs out of storage space or resources necessary to fulfill a request.

Common Causes of HTTP 507 Status Code

The HTTP 507 status code, representing "Insufficient Storage," typically occurs under several common scenarios, particularly in systems using Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). Here are the most frequent causes:

  1. Disk Space Limitations:

    • The server may have reached its total capacity for data storage. If no additional disk space is available, it cannot store new data or modify existing data, leading to a 507 error.

  2. Quota Restrictions:

    • Many servers implement storage quotas for users or applications to prevent any single user or service from consuming all disk resources. If a request would exceed these quotas, the server might return a 507 error.
  3. Database Limitations:

    • Similar to disk space, databases on the server might have restrictions or caps on how much data they can handle, either overall or per-user/table. Exceeding these limits can trigger a 507 status.
  4. File System Restrictions:

    • Certain file systems have limits on the number of files they can contain, even if disk space is available. Reaching this limit can result in an inability to store additional files, thus causing a 507 error.
  5. Configuration Errors:

    • Misconfigurations in server settings or software could falsely trigger storage limit errors. For example, incorrect quota settings or errors in managing disk space could lead to a 507 status even if actual storage is available.

  6. Resource Exhaustion:

    • In some contexts, the 507 error might occur due to other forms of resource exhaustion, like inode limits on Unix-like systems, where the number of inodes (which represent file system objects) is exhausted.

Addressing these issues typically involves increasing available storage, adjusting quotas, optimizing database storage, or correcting any configuration errors that might be causing the server to misreport available resources.

Importance of HTTP 507 Status Code in SEO

The HTTP 507 status code, indicating "Insufficient Storage," can have important implications for search engine optimization (SEO), primarily because it impacts how search engines interact with your website. Here’s how:

  1. Crawl Efficiency:

    • Search engines allocate a crawl budget for each website, which is the number of pages a search engine bot will crawl in a given timeframe. If a bot encounters HTTP 507 errors, it may waste part of this budget on pages that it cannot successfully index, thereby reducing the efficiency of site crawling and potentially missing out on other important pages.
  2. Site Reliability:

    • Frequent 507 errors can signal to search engines that a site is unreliable or poorly maintained. This can negatively impact the site's reputation with search engines, potentially leading to lower rankings. Search engines prefer indexing sites that provide a good user experience, and site reliability is a crucial factor.

  3. User Experience:

    • For human users, encountering a 507 error can be frustrating and may lead to a poor user experience. If users frequently hit storage issues on a site, it can increase bounce rates and reduce the likelihood of visitors returning, both of which are factors that search engines can use as indirect signals of site quality.
  4. Indexing and Content Updates:

    • If new content or updates to existing content cannot be stored due to insufficient server storage, this content won't be indexed by search engines. This means that even valuable and relevant content might not appear in search results, diminishing the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.
  5. Website Growth and Scalability:

    • As your website grows, so will its storage needs. A failure to anticipate and manage these needs can lead to increased instances of HTTP 507 errors. Planning for scalability in terms of storage can ensure that as your site grows in content and traffic, it continues to perform well both for users and search engine bots.

Mitigating the Impact: To minimize SEO and user experience issues associated with HTTP 507 errors, it's crucial to monitor server storage capacity regularly and upgrade or optimize as needed. Proper server management and possibly setting up alerts for nearing storage capacity can help in managing these issues before they impact your site's SEO performance. Additionally, using content delivery networks (CDNs) and optimizing file sizes can also help manage storage more efficiently.

How to Fix the HTTP 507 Error From the Website?

Fixing an HTTP 507 "Insufficient Storage" error involves addressing the underlying issues related to server storage limitations. Here are several steps that can help resolve this issue:

1. Increase Server Storage

  • Upgrade Plan: If your hosting plan limits your storage, consider upgrading to a higher-tier plan with more disk space.
  • Add Storage: For self-hosted servers, physically adding more storage hardware or expanding storage through cloud services can resolve the issue.

2. Optimize Existing Storage

  • Clean Up: Remove unnecessary files and data from your server. This includes old backups, obsolete data, and temporary files.
  • Database Optimization: Regular maintenance such as indexing and cleaning up fragmented data can reduce the storage footprint of your databases.
  • Compression: Implement compression on large files and data to save space.

3. Review and Adjust Quotas

  • Check Quotas: Review the set quotas for different users or applications to ensure they are appropriate and not too restrictive.
  • Reallocate Quotas: Adjust quotas to balance the needs across different services or departments that share the server.

4. Implement Efficient Data Management Practices

  • Archiving: Move older, less frequently accessed data to cheaper, slower storage solutions or to an archive state.
  • Data Deduplication: Implement deduplication technologies that eliminate redundant copies of data, saving space.

5. Monitor Storage Usage

  • Usage Alerts: Set up monitoring tools that alert you when storage capacity reaches a critical threshold.
  • Regular Audits: Periodically perform audits to identify what consumes the most space and address it proactively.

6. Leverage Cloud Solutions

  • Cloud Storage: Consider using cloud storage solutions for some of your data needs, especially for large or less sensitive data sets. This can be scalable and cost-effective.
  • Hybrid Solutions: For businesses, a hybrid approach combining on-premises and cloud storage can provide flexibility and scalability.

7. Optimize Application Code

  • Efficiency: Ensure that the application logic that handles data storage is optimized and does not create unnecessary data redundancy.
  • Error Handling: Implement better error handling around data creation and storage operations to prevent unnecessary retries that could exacerbate storage issues.

8. Technical Support and Consultation

  • If you're unsure about how to proceed, consulting with IT professionals or reaching out to your hosting provider for support can provide insights and solutions specific to your infrastructure.

Taking proactive measures and having a good strategy for data management will ensure that your server remains efficient and minimizes the likelihood of encountering HTTP 507 errors.

What is the Browser Compatibility of HTTP 507 Status Code?

The HTTP 507 status code, indicating "Insufficient Storage," is primarily relevant on the server-side, meaning it's the server that issues this status code when it encounters storage limitations that prevent it from fulfilling a request. Since it is a server-side issue, the handling of this status code by browsers is generally straightforward—the browser receives and displays the error message provided by the server.

Browser Compatibility:

  • Display of Error: All modern web browsers can receive and display HTTP 507 error messages. This includes browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge. The browser's role is to display the error to the user, typically in the form of a generic error page unless a custom error page has been set up by the website administrator.

  • Custom Error Pages: Administrators can configure servers to return custom error messages for HTTP 507 status codes, which browsers will then display. This allows the display of more informative or user-friendly messages than the default browser error page.

  • Error Handling in Web Applications: In web applications, handling of HTTP status codes can be managed programmatically via JavaScript. For instance, when an AJAX request returns a 507 status, the application can trigger specific client-side actions, such as alerting the user, logging the error, or attempting to retry the request after some time.

  • No Specific Compatibility Issues: There are no known compatibility issues with HTTP 507 in browsers because the code's implementation and response handling are managed by the HTTP standard, which all modern browsers are designed to support.


Understanding and managing the HTTP 507 "Insufficient Storage" status code is crucial for maintaining the health and efficiency of any web server. It serves as a critical reminder of the importance of proactive server management and storage optimization. By addressing the underlying causes of this error, such as expanding server storage, optimizing data management, and adjusting quotas, website administrators can ensure their platforms remain reliable, efficient, and capable of scaling to meet user demands.

Moreover, the role of this status code in SEO highlights its impact not just on server performance but also on a site's visibility and user experience. A well-managed server reflects positively on search engine rankings and enhances user interactions by minimizing disruptions caused by storage issues.

In today's digital age, where data growth is exponential, embracing strategies such as cloud solutions and efficient data handling practices becomes more than just a necessity—it's a strategic advantage. By staying informed and vigilant about potential storage issues, and by ensuring browser compatibility through appropriate error handling, organizations can safeguard their digital assets and provide seamless experiences for all users.

Remember, the HTTP 507 error isn't just a server-side issue—it's a signal to evaluate and improve the foundational aspects of your digital infrastructure. By doing so, you ensure that your server not only meets current needs but is also prepared for future challenges.

Oskay Günaçar
Oskay Günaçar is a Technical SEO expert and backend developer. His main areas of interest are back-end programming, Python, Django, Go, semantic SEO, technical SEO. With more than 5 years of SEO experience, he has held SEO specialist positions at İkiler, Webtures, Boosmart, and companies, and has been involved in numerous projects as an outsourced expert. Through the TechSEOHub website, he aims to share the expertise and experience he has gained from managing and developing (SEO) processes for many successful and large websites in the industry, and to produce content for easy access to accurate and high-quality information.