Technical SEO

You can access all the Technical SEO tactics, strategies and tips you may need in your SEO efforts through this category page.
Understanding Access-Control-Allow-Headers The Access-Control-Allow-Headers header is an integral part of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) protocol, which is a security feature implemented ...
Jul 31 2024 269
What Is Aria-Disabled? aria-disabledis an ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attribute used in web development to indicate that an element is currently disabled, meaning that it is not in...
Jul 29 2024 318
What Is aria-controls? The aria-controls attribute identifies the element (or elements) that are controlled by the current element. This is particularly useful for assistive technologies, such...
Jul 27 2024 263
What Is Aria-Selected? The aria-selected attribute is used to indicate the current selected state of elements that can be selected, such as items in a listbox, tabs in a tablist, or rows in a grid....
Jul 24 2024 261
What Is a Browser? A web browser is a software application that enables users to access, retrieve, and view information on the World Wide Web. It interprets and displays HTML files, images, and oth...
Jul 11 2024 290
What Are HTTP Headers? HTTP headers are an essential part of the HTTP protocol, used in the exchange of information between web servers and clients (like browsers). They play a critical role in def...
Jul 08 2024 251
What is Content-Disposition HTTP Header? The Content-Disposition HTTP header is used to indicate if content should be displayed inline in the browser or treated as an attachment to be downloaded an...
Jun 26 2024 254
What Is HSTS Missing from HTTPS Server The "HSTS Missing from HTTPS Server" error is a security issue where a server that uses HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) does not ha...
Jun 23 2024 265
What Is Web Server? A web server is a computer system or software application that delivers web content to users over the internet. It processes incoming network requests over HTTP (Hypertext Trans...
Jun 23 2024 252
What is HTTP 511 Status Code? The HTTP 511 Status Code, "Network Authentication Required," is a server response status code indicating that the client needs to authenticate to gain networ...
Jun 20 2024 350
What is HTTP 510 Status Code? The HTTP 510 Status Code, "Not Extended," is a server response status code indicating that the server requires further extensions to fulfill the request. Thi...
Jun 20 2024 248
What is HTTP 508 Status Code? The HTTP 508 status code is an error that indicates a "Loop Detected." This status code is primarily used in Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV...
Jun 18 2024 231
What Is HTTP 507 Status Code? The HTTP 507 status code is used to indicate that the server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request. This status is often associated with...
Jun 18 2024 226
What Is HTTP 505 Status Code? The HTTP 505 status code, also known as "HTTP Version Not Supported," indicates that the server refuses to support the major version of HTTP that was used in...
Jun 17 2024 249
What Is HTTP 504 Status Code? The HTTP 504 status code, also known as "Gateway Timeout," indicates that a server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from an ups...
Jun 14 2024 226
What Is HTTP 503 Status Code? The HTTP 503 Service Unavailable status code indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the...
Jun 14 2024 224
What Is HTTP 502 Status Code? The HTTP 502 status code, also known as "Bad Gateway," indicates that a server, acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an inbound se...
Jun 11 2024 235
What Is HTTP 501 Status Code? The HTTP 501 Not Implemented status code indicates that the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. This response is sent when the s...
Jun 10 2024 234
What Is HTTP 500 Status Code? The HTTP 500 status code, also known as "Internal Server Error," indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfill...
Jun 06 2024 269
What Is HTTP 410 Status Code? The HTTP 410 Gone client error response code indicates that the requested resource is no longer available on the server and no forwarding address is known. This condit...
Jun 05 2024 240
What Is HTTP 409 Status Code? The HTTP 409 Conflict status code indicates that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource. This status code i...
Jun 03 2024 270
What Is HTTP 408 Status Code? The HTTP 408 Request Timeout status code indicates that the server did not receive a complete request from the client within the server's allotted timeout period. ...
Jun 01 2024 299
What Is HTTP 407 Status Code? The HTTP 407 status code, also known as "Proxy Authentication Required," is a client error response code indicating that the client must first authenticate i...
May 30 2024 275
What Is HTTP 406 Status Code? The HTTP 406 Status Code, also known as "Not Acceptable," is a client error response code indicating that the server cannot produce a response matching the l...
May 30 2024 268
What Is HTTP 405 Status Code? The HTTP 405 Status Code also known as "Method Not Allowed," is a client error response code indicating that the request method is known by the server b...
May 29 2024 271
What Is HTTP 404 Status Code? The HTTP 404 status code is a standard response code in web communications indicating that the server was unable to find the requested resource. This means the server ...
May 26 2024 254
What Is HTTP 403 Status Code? The HTTP 403 Status Code is an error message indicating that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it. This status code, also known as "Forb...
May 26 2024 267
What Is HTTP 401 Status Code? The HTTP 401 Status Code, also known as "401 Unauthorized," indicates that the request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials...
May 23 2024 271
What Is HTTP 400 Status Code? The HTTP 400 Status Code, also known as "Bad Request," indicates that the server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. It means that the cl...
May 22 2024 275
What is HTTP 308 Status Code? The HTTP 308 status code is a permanent redirect response status code. It indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL provided by the...
May 21 2024 311
What is HTTP 307 Status Code? The HTTP 307 status code indicates a "Temporary Redirect." This means that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to a different URI, and the clie...
May 20 2024 297
What is HTTP 304 Status Code? The HTTP 304 Not Modified status code indicates that the resource requested has not been modified since the last time it was accessed. This response is used for cachin...
May 18 2024 296
What is HTTP 303 Status Code? The HTTP 303 status code, also known as "See Other," is a response indicating that the server is redirecting the client to a different URL, typically using t...
May 17 2024 331
What is HTTP 302 Status Code? The HTTP 302 status code is a common way of performing URL redirection. When a server sends a 302 response, it indicates that the requested resource has been temporari...
May 16 2024 285
What is HTTP 301 Status Code? The HTTP 301 status code is used to indicate that a requested resource has been permanently moved to a new location. It is known as a "permanent redirect." W...
May 15 2024 329
What is HTTP 300 Status Code? The HTTP 300 Multiple Choices status code is a part of the HTTP response status system that indicates that there are multiple options for the resource that the client ...
May 14 2024 310
What is HTTP 206 Status Code? The HTTP 206 status code is named "Partial Content." It indicates that the server has successfully processed a client's request for only part of the reso...
May 13 2024 366
What is HTTP 205 Status Code? The HTTP 205 status code, known as "Reset Content," is sent by a server in response to a client's request. This status code tells the client to reset the...
May 11 2024 300
What is HTTP 204 Status Code? The HTTP 204 status code is called "No Content." It is used by a server to indicate that the request was successfully processed, but there is no content to r...
May 10 2024 309
What is HTTP 203 Status Code? The HTTP 203 status code is defined as "Non-Authoritative Information." It is used to indicate that the returned metadata in the response header is not the d...
May 09 2024 313
What is HTTP 202 Status Code? The HTTP 202 Status Code is used to indicate that a request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. It's typically used for as...
May 07 2024 396
What is HTTP 201 Status Code? The HTTP 201 Status Code is used to indicate that a request has been successfully processed and as a result, a new resource has been created. This status code is typic...
May 06 2024 294
What is HTTP 200 "OK" Status Code? The HTTP 200 "OK" status code is an HTTP response status code that indicates a request has been successfully processed by the server. In the c...
May 05 2024 349
What Are HTTP Status Codes? HTTP status codes are standardized responses issued by a server in response to a client's request on the internet. These codes are part of the HTTP (Hypertext Transf...
Feb 07 2024 501
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is an application layer protocol used for communication between computers and network systems. HTTP is basically the basis (protocol, rules) of client-server data co...
Feb 06 2024 485
rel="preload" is an attribute used in <link> tags within HTML to instruct the browser to load certain resources early in the page load process. This is particularly useful for resource...
Jan 09 2024 436
Etag (Entity Tag) is an HTTP response header used as an identifier to determine the version of a resource transmitted after an HTTP request sent to the server. With the use of HTTP Etag, the caching s...
Jan 04 2024 436