HTTP 410 Response Status Code Guide: What is it, Usage, Methods

Jun 05 2024 by Oskay Günaçar

What Is HTTP 410 Status Code?

The HTTP 410 Gone client error response code indicates that the requested resource is no longer available on the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent. Clients that encounter a 410 status code should not attempt to request the resource again in the future.

The 410 status code is used to inform the client that the resource has been intentionally removed, and the server wishes to make this fact clear to the client.

Key Points:

  • Permanent Condition: The resource has been permanently removed.
  • No Redirection: Unlike a 404 Not Found status, which may indicate a temporary condition, a 410 status indicates that the resource is gone for good.
  • Client Action: Clients should not request the resource again in the future.
  • Usage Scenario: Commonly used when web content is intentionally deleted, such as outdated pages, discontinued products, or old API endpoints.

Importance of the HTTP 410 Status Code in SEO

The HTTP 410 Gone status code plays a significant role in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for several reasons:

1. Clear Communication to Search Engines

  • Definitive Signal: It signals to search engines that a resource is permanently gone and will not return. This is more definitive than a 404 Not Found status, which can imply the resource might reappear.
  • Crawling Efficiency: By using a 410 status code, you help search engines avoid wasting resources on repeatedly crawling non-existent URLs.

2. Index Management

  • Deindexing: Search engines will typically remove 410 URLs from their index more quickly than 404 URLs. This helps maintain an accurate index of your site’s content.
  • Preserving Crawl Budget: Efficiently communicating that a page is gone helps search engines focus their crawl budget on available and relevant pages, improving the overall crawl efficiency of your site.

3. User Experience

  • Reduced Confusion: Users encountering a 410 status know that the content they are seeking is permanently gone, which can reduce frustration compared to encountering repeated 404 errors.

4. Content Management

  • Intentional Removal: Use of the 410 status code is a deliberate action indicating intentional removal of content, as opposed to accidental or temporary unavailability.

Practical Applications in SEO

  • Old Content: When permanently removing old blog posts, products, or obsolete content, using a 410 status code informs search engines and users that the content is no longer available.
  • Cleanup: Helps clean up outdated or irrelevant URLs, ensuring that search engine indexes reflect current and relevant content.

How to Use 410 HTTP Status Code for a Website?

Using the HTTP 410 Gone status code for a website involves configuring your web server to return this status code for specific URLs that are permanently removed. Here's how you can do it for different server environments:

1. Apache Server

For an Apache server, you can use the .htaccess file to configure the 410 status code. Here’s how:

  • Editing the .htaccess File:

    Redirect 410 /old-page.html

    This directive tells the server to return a 410 status code for the /old-page.html URL.

  • Using a Custom ErrorDocument:

    ErrorDocument 410 /410.html
    <Location /old-page.html>
      Header set Status "410 Gone"

    This approach also allows you to display a custom message or page for the 410 error.

2. Nginx Server

For an Nginx server, you can modify the server configuration file to return a 410 status code:

  • Editing the Configuration File:

    location /old-page.html {
      return 410;
  • Custom Error Page:

    error_page 410 /410.html;
    location = /410.html {

3. Using PHP

If you prefer to handle the 410 status code using PHP, you can create a script to set this status code:

  • PHP Script:

    echo "This page is gone.";
  • Adding to an Existing Script:

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/old-page.html') {
      echo "This page is gone.";

4. Content Management Systems (CMS)

For websites using CMS platforms like WordPress, there are plugins available that can help you manage 410 status codes:

  • WordPress Plugin: Use plugins like "Redirection" to manage 410 responses for specific URLs.
    • Configuration: Install the plugin, navigate to its settings, and add a new redirection with the 410 status for the URL you want to remove.

5. Custom Server-Side Frameworks

For custom applications built with frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, or Node.js, you can handle 410 responses within your application code:

  • Django Example:

    from django.http import HttpResponseGone
    def old_page(request):
        return HttpResponseGone("This page is gone.")
  • Node.js Example:

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    app.get('/old-page', (req, res) => {
      res.status(410).send('This page is gone.');
    app.listen(3000, () => {
      console.log('Server is running on port 3000');

How to Check HTTP 410 Status Code?

To check if a URL is returning an HTTP 410 status code, you can use various methods. Here are some of the most common and effective ways to do so:

1. Using Browser Developer Tools

Most modern web browsers come with built-in developer tools that allow you to inspect network requests and responses.

  • Steps:
    1. Open the browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
    2. Right-click on the page and select "Inspect" or press Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+I (Mac).
    3. Go to the "Network" tab.
    4. Enter the URL you want to check in the address bar and press Enter.
    5. Look for the specific request in the list and click on it.
    6. Check the "Status" or "Headers" section to see if it shows 410 Gone.

2. Using Command Line Tools


The curl command-line tool is a powerful way to check HTTP status codes.

  • Command:
    curl -I 
    • The -I option fetches the headers only. Look for the HTTP/1.1 410 Gone status in the output.


The wget tool can also be used to check the status code.

  • Command:
    wget --server-response --spider
    • This command will show the server response headers, including the status code.

3. Using Online Tools

There are several online tools available that can check the HTTP status code of a URL.

  • Examples:
    • HTTP Status Code Checker: Websites like TechSEOHub allow you to enter a URL and check the status code.
    • Web Sniffer: Tools like provide similar functionality.

4. Using Programming Languages

You can write simple scripts in various programming languages to check the status code.


Using the requests library in Python:

  • Script:
    import requests
    response = requests.head('')

JavaScript (Node.js)

Using the axios library in Node.js:

  • Script:
    const axios = require('axios');
      .then(response => {
      .catch(error => {
        if (error.response) {
          console.log(error.response.status); // Should print 410

5. Using Browser Extensions

There are browser extensions available that can show HTTP status codes directly in your browser.

  • Examples:
    • HTTP Headers: Extensions like "HTTP Headers" for Chrome and Firefox allow you to view HTTP status codes and headers directly in the browser.

By using any of these methods, you can effectively check if a URL is returning an HTTP 410 status code.

Which HTTP Method is used with HTTP 410 Status Code?

The HTTP 410 Gone status code can be used with any HTTP method, but it is most commonly associated with GET and HEAD methods. Here’s a detailed look at how these methods are typically used in conjunction with the 410 status code:

1. GET Method

The GET method is used to request data from a specified resource. When a server responds with a 410 status code to a GET request, it indicates that the requested resource is permanently gone and will not be available again.

  • Example:
    curl -X GET -I

2. HEAD Method

The HEAD method is similar to GET, but it requests only the headers from the server, not the body of the response. This method is useful for checking the status of a resource without downloading its content.

  • Example:
    curl -X HEAD -I

Other Methods

While GET and HEAD are the most common, the 410 status code can technically be used with other methods as well, such as POST, PUT, DELETE, etc., although it's less typical. Here’s how these might be used:

  • POST Method: Rarely, a POST request might receive a 410 response if the resource it is meant to interact with is permanently gone.

    curl -X POST -I
  • PUT Method: A PUT request might receive a 410 if the server determines that the target resource is no longer available for creation or modification.

    curl -X PUT -I
  • DELETE Method: A DELETE request might receive a 410 if the resource to be deleted is already gone permanently.

    curl -X DELETE -I

What is the Browser Compatibility of HTTP 410 Status Code?

The HTTP 410 Gone status code is widely supported across all major web browsers. This means that when a server returns a 410 status code, browsers will correctly interpret it as an indication that the requested resource is permanently gone. Here is an overview of the compatibility with popular web browsers:

Browser Compatibility

  1. Google Chrome

    • Fully supports the HTTP 410 status code. Chrome will display a standard "404 Not Found" style error page, indicating the resource is gone permanently.
  2. Mozilla Firefox

    • Fully supports the HTTP 410 status code. Firefox will also display a standard error page similar to a 404 error, indicating that the page is no longer available.
  3. Microsoft Edge

    • Fully supports the HTTP 410 status code. Edge displays a standard error message indicating that the page is permanently gone.
  4. Apple Safari

    • Fully supports the HTTP 410 status code on both macOS and iOS. Safari will show a message indicating that the page is not available and has been permanently removed.
  5. Opera

    • Fully supports the HTTP 410 status code. Opera will show an error page similar to other browsers, indicating that the resource is permanently gone.

Mobile Browser Compatibility

Mobile versions of these browsers (e.g., Chrome for Android, Safari for iOS) also fully support the HTTP 410 status code. The behavior on mobile devices mirrors that of their desktop counterparts, ensuring consistent user experience across platforms.

Detailed Breakdown

  • Desktop Browsers:

    • Chrome: Version 1.0+
    • Firefox: Version 1.0+
    • Edge: Version 12+
    • Safari: Version 1.0+
    • Opera: Version 7.0+
  • Mobile Browsers:

    • Chrome for Android: Version 18.0+
    • Safari on iOS: Version 1.0+
    • Firefox for Android: Version 4.0+
    • Opera Mobile: Version 10.0+
    • Samsung Internet: Version 1.0+

How Browsers Handle HTTP 410

When a browser encounters a 410 status code, it generally:

  • Displays an error message: Informing the user that the requested page is permanently gone.
  • Stops further processing: No attempt is made to load or find the resource.
  • Cache Management: Browsers may use the 410 status to manage their caches, ensuring that the permanently removed resource is not stored or reattempted in the future.

Best Practices For Handling HTTP 410 Status Code

Handling the HTTP 410 Gone status code effectively involves a combination of server configuration, user experience considerations, and SEO best practices. Here are some best practices:

1. Server Configuration

  • Properly Configure the Server: Ensure that your web server is correctly configured to return a 410 status code for URLs that are permanently gone. Use .htaccess for Apache, server configuration files for Nginx, or appropriate settings for other server types.
  • Custom Error Pages: Create a custom 410 error page to provide a better user experience. This page can explain why the resource is gone and suggest alternative content or actions.
    • Example in Apache:
      ErrorDocument 410 /410.html
    • Example in Nginx:
      error_page 410 /410.html;
      location = /410.html {

2. User Experience

  • Informative Content: Your custom 410 error page should inform users that the content is permanently removed. Provide alternative links, a search box, or suggestions for navigating the site.
  • Consistent Design: Ensure the custom error page matches the design and branding of your website to maintain a consistent user experience.

3. SEO Considerations

  • Notify Search Engines: Use the 410 status code to inform search engines that the content is permanently gone, which helps in de-indexing the URL more quickly than with a 404 status.
  • Update Sitemaps: Remove URLs that return a 410 status from your XML sitemap to ensure search engines do not continue to crawl these pages.
  • Review Internal Links: Check your site for any internal links pointing to the removed content and update them to point to relevant alternatives.

4. Redirects

  • Consider Redirects: If there is a relevant alternative or replacement content, consider using a 301 (Moved Permanently) redirect instead of a 410 status code to guide users and search engines to the new content.
  • Use 410 for Genuine Removals: Only use the 410 status code for content that is genuinely and permanently removed without a direct replacement.

5. Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor your website for 410 status codes using tools like Google Search Console, web server logs, or third-party services to ensure they are being used appropriately.
  • Update Documentation: Keep documentation or internal records of why certain pages were permanently removed, which can be useful for future reference or auditing.

6. Automation

  • Automate Responses: If your site frequently removes content, consider automating the response. For example, a CMS plugin or server-side script can be configured to automatically return a 410 status code for specific conditions.

7. Inform Users and Stakeholders

  • Communicate Changes: Inform users and stakeholders about significant removals, especially if they affect frequently accessed content. Provide explanations and alternatives where possible.

Example Implementation


In your .htaccess file:

Redirect 410 /old-page.html
ErrorDocument 410 /custom-410-page.html


In your server configuration file:

location /old-page.html {
    return 410;

error_page 410 /custom-410-page.html;
location = /custom-410-page.html {


If using a PHP-based site:

if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/old-page.html') {


The HTTP 410 Gone status code is an essential tool for webmasters and developers, playing a crucial role in managing permanently removed content. By informing both users and search engines that a resource is permanently unavailable, the 410 status code helps maintain a clean and efficient website. Proper server configuration, user-friendly error pages, and SEO best practices ensure that the handling of 410 responses enhances the overall user experience and search engine indexing.

Implementing the 410 status code correctly involves understanding its impact on SEO, user experience, and server performance. Regular monitoring, clear communication with users, and thoughtful content management are key to leveraging the benefits of the 410 status code effectively. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your website remains optimized, user-friendly, and search engine friendly, even as content evolves and changes over time.

Incorporating the 410 status code into your web strategy can significantly improve the way your website handles outdated or removed content, leading to a more streamlined and efficient online presence.

Oskay Günaçar
Oskay Günaçar is a Technical SEO expert and backend developer. His main areas of interest are back-end programming, Python, Django, Go, semantic SEO, technical SEO. With more than 5 years of SEO experience, he has held SEO specialist positions at İkiler, Webtures, Boosmart, and companies, and has been involved in numerous projects as an outsourced expert. Through the TechSEOHub website, he aims to share the expertise and experience he has gained from managing and developing (SEO) processes for many successful and large websites in the industry, and to produce content for easy access to accurate and high-quality information.