HTTP 201 Response Status Code Guide: What is it, Usage, Methods

May 06 2024 by Oskay Günaçar

What is HTTP 201 Status Code?

The HTTP 201 Status Code is used to indicate that a request has been successfully processed and as a result, a new resource has been created. This status code is typically returned following a POST request, or sometimes following a PUT request when a new resource is created at the request URL. The response usually includes a 'Location' header with the URL of the newly created resource. The body of the response might also include a representation of the resource.

Importance of the HTTP 201 Status Code in SEO

The HTTP 201 Status Code isn't directly related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as it primarily deals with the creation of new resources on the server and is mostly used in API interactions or web application development. However, understanding and properly using HTTP status codes, including 201, can indirectly impact SEO in several ways:

  1. User Experience: Correct implementation of HTTP status codes, including a 201 for resource creation, ensures that web applications behave as expected. This enhances the user experience, which is a factor in SEO. A good user experience keeps users engaged and can reduce bounce rates, which positively affects search rankings.

  2. Efficient Crawling: By using the correct HTTP status codes, developers can help search engine crawlers understand the actions of a website. Although a 201 status code is less relevant to crawlers since it’s typically associated with form submissions and API calls not usually executed by crawlers, proper management of status codes can aid in the efficient use of crawl budget.

  3. Technical SEO: Proper use of HTTP status codes is part of technical SEO, which ensures that a website meets the technical requirements of modern search engines. Efficient use of technical SEO can aid in faster indexing and better understanding of the site structure by search engines.

  4. Redirects and Resource Management: While 201 itself does not handle redirects, understanding the various HTTP status codes can help manage redirects (like 301 and 302) and error codes (like 404 and 500) more effectively. Proper management of these codes helps maintain link equity and reduce errors encountered by users and crawlers, which can impact SEO.

How to Use HTTP 201 Status Code for a Website?

Using the HTTP 201 status code effectively involves scenarios where a new resource is created on the server, typically as a result of a POST or PUT request. Here’s how to implement and use HTTP 201 status code on a website:

1. Understanding When to Use HTTP 201

The HTTP 201 status code is appropriate to use when a new resource has been successfully created as a result of an API call or web form submission. It should be sent as the response to a POST or PUT request where the server has successfully created an entity.

2. Setting Up the Server Response

When your server successfully creates a resource in response to a request, you should:

  • Set the Status Code: Configure your server to return a 201 status code.
  • Include a Location Header: The response should include a Location header pointing to the URL where the new resource can be accessed.
  • Provide Resource Representation: Optionally, the response body can contain the representation of the newly created resource, often in JSON or XML format, so the client can see the initial state of the resource.

3. Coding Example

Here’s a basic example using Node.js with Express, a popular server framework:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.json());'/api/items', (req, res) => {
    const newItem = {
        id: generateNewId(), // Function to generate a new ID
    // Logic to save the item in the database would go here


function generateNewId() {
    // Implementation to generate a unique ID for the new item
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));

4. Client-Side Handling

On the client side, when making POST or PUT requests, handle the 201 status code by:

  • Checking the status code of the response.
  • Using the Location header to access the newly created resource if needed.
  • Displaying a success message to the user or redirecting them to the new resource’s page.

5. Testing and Validation

Ensure that your implementation works correctly by:

  • Testing API endpoints with tools like Postman or cURL to verify that the correct status code and headers are returned.
  • Implementing unit tests in your server-side code to check that resources are created properly and that the correct responses are returned.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the HTTP 201 status code to manage resource creation on your website, enhancing both the developer and user experiences.

4. Client-Side Handling

On the client side, when making POST or PUT requests, handle the 201 status code by:

  • Checking the status code of the response.
  • Using the Location header to access the newly created resource if needed.
  • Displaying a success message to the user or redirecting them to the new resource’s page.

5. Testing and Validation

Ensure that your implementation works correctly by:

  • Testing API endpoints with tools like Postman or cURL to verify that the correct status code and headers are returned.
  • Implementing unit tests in your server-side code to check that resources are created properly and that the correct responses are returned.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the HTTP 201 status code to manage resource creation on your website, enhancing both the developer and user experiences.

How to Check HTTP 201 Status Code?

To check for an HTTP 201 status code, you can use various tools and methods depending on whether you are testing a web server or developing an application. Here’s how to do it:

1. Using Browser Developer Tools

You can inspect network traffic directly in your web browser to see the HTTP status codes returned by the server in response to requests:

  • Open Developer Tools: In most browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, you can open developer tools by pressing F12 or right-clicking on a page and selecting “Inspect.”
  • Go to the Network Tab: This tab shows all the network requests made by your browser.
  • Make a Request: Perform the action that triggers the POST or PUT request on your website.
  • Inspect the Response: Look for your request in the network traffic. Click on it to see the details, including the status code. A 201 code will indicate that a new resource was successfully created.

2. Using Command Line Tools like cURL

The cURL command-line tool can be used to send requests and see the HTTP response headers and codes:

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"data":"value"}'

  • -i tells cURL to show the response headers.
  • -X POST specifies that it is a POST request.
  • -H adds a header to the request.
  • -d provides the data sent as the request body.
  • The URL at the end is where the request is sent.

Look for the line starting with HTTP in the output, which shows the status code.

3. Using API Testing Tools like Postman

Postman is a popular tool for testing APIs:

  • Create a New Request: Set up a new request in Postman by selecting the correct HTTP method (POST or PUT) and entering the URL.
  • Configure the Headers and Body: Set the appropriate headers and include any necessary data in the body.
  • Send the Request: Click on “Send” to execute the request.
  • View the Response: Postman displays the status code right at the top of the response section.

4. Programmatic Checking in Code

If you are developing an application, you can programmatically check for a 201 status code:

  • Example in Python (using requests library):

import requests

response ='', json={"data": "value"})
if response.status_code == 201:
    print("Resource created successfully!")
    print("Failed to create resource. Status code:", response.status_code)

  • Example in JavaScript (using fetch API):

fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({data: "value"})
.then(response => {
    if(response.status === 201) {
        console.log("Resource created successfully!");
    } else {
        console.log("Failed to create resource. Status code:", response.status);
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

These tools and methods allow you to efficiently check for a 201 status code during development or while testing existing APIs.

Which HTTP Method is used with HTTP 201 Status Code?

The HTTP 201 status code is typically used with the POST and PUT HTTP methods:

  1. POST: This method is commonly used to create a new resource on the server. When a POST request successfully creates a new resource, the server responds with a 201 status code, indicating that the resource was created successfully and is available. The response often includes a Location header that provides the URL of the newly created resource.

  2. PUT: Although PUT is primarily used for updating existing resources, it can also be used to create a new resource if it does not already exist at the specified URL. If a PUT request results in the creation of a new resource, the server can respond with a 201 status code, similar to how it responds to a POST request.

These methods are appropriate for situations where a new resource is created as a result of the request. The choice between POST and PUT depends on the specific action intended: POST for general creation where the server handles the assignment of a new resource identifier, and PUT when the client specifies the location of the new resource.

What is the Browser Compatibility of HTTP 201 Status Code?

The HTTP 201 status code, like most standard HTTP status codes, is universally supported across all modern web browsers. This includes browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and others. HTTP status codes are a fundamental part of the HTTP protocol, which browsers are designed to understand and handle appropriately.

The handling of HTTP status codes is more about what happens on the server side and how your application’s client-side code interprets and responds to these codes, rather than a matter of browser compatibility. When a server sends a response with a 201 status code, the browser will simply pass this information along to the client-side application, which can then decide how to handle it (e.g., displaying a message to the user, redirecting to another page, or updating the UI).

Therefore, there is no compatibility issue per se with the HTTP 201 status code in browsers. The key is ensuring that your server-side and client-side code correctly implement the logic for creating resources and handling the response.

Best Practices for Handling HTTP 201

Handling the HTTP 201 status code effectively is crucial for proper server-client communication, especially in applications where resources are created based on user actions or API requests. Here are some best practices for handling HTTP 201:

1. Use Accurately

Only use the HTTP 201 status code when a new resource has been successfully created in response to a client's request. This should be used in situations where you have a POST or PUT method that results in the creation of a new entity.

2. Provide Clear Resource Location

Always include a Location header in your 201 response. This header should contain the URI of the newly created resource. This is critical for RESTful APIs, as it allows the client to directly access the new resource without needing to request additional information.

3. Return Resource Representation

Optionally, you can include a representation of the newly created resource in the body of the response. This representation, typically in JSON or XML format, allows the client to immediately understand the properties and current state of the new resource without making another GET request.

4. Detailed Success Message

Provide a clear and descriptive success message along with the response. This helps in understanding what has been created, especially in more complex APIs where multiple resources might be involved.

5. Correct Content-Type

Ensure that the Content-Type header in the response correctly reflects the format of the body you are returning. For example, if you are sending JSON, the Content-Type should be set to application/json.

6. Document API Responses

In API documentation, clearly specify that a 201 response is possible and under what conditions it will be sent. Document what the response includes, such as headers and the body format, so developers know what to expect and how to handle it.

7. Handle Error States Appropriately

Be prepared to handle cases where a resource cannot be created due to errors such as invalid input or server issues. In such cases, do not use the 201 status; instead, appropriate error codes such as 400 (Bad Request), 403 (Forbidden), or 500 (Internal Server Error) should be used.

8. Security Considerations

When creating resources, consider security implications such as authorization checks, preventing injection attacks, and ensuring that sensitive data is not inadvertently exposed in the response.

9. Testing

Thoroughly test how your application handles the creation of resources and the issuing of the 201 status code. Automated tests should include checks for the presence of the Location header and correct formatting of the response body.

10. Client-Side Handling

On the client side, implement robust handling for the 201 status code. Ensure that applications correctly interpret the Location header and can handle the response body properly, updating the user interface or state as necessary.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your application uses HTTP 201 effectively, enhancing the interoperability and functionality of your web services or APIs.


In conclusion, the HTTP 201 status code is a pivotal component of web development and API management, playing a crucial role in signaling the successful creation of a new resource. This response code not only helps maintain clear communication between the client and server but also supports enhanced user experiences by ensuring that interactions are efficient and expectations are met. Although it does not directly impact SEO, the proper use of HTTP 201 can indirectly benefit site performance by improving user engagement and facilitating smoother interactions with search engine crawlers. By adhering to the best practices outlined, developers can effectively implement HTTP 201 to enhance functionality, ensure security, and optimize the user interface. Ultimately, understanding and correctly utilizing HTTP status codes like 201 is essential for developing robust, user-friendly, and scalable web applications and services.

Oskay Günaçar
Oskay Günaçar is a Technical SEO expert and backend developer. His main areas of interest are back-end programming, Python, Django, Go, semantic SEO, technical SEO. With more than 5 years of SEO experience, he has held SEO specialist positions at İkiler, Webtures, Boosmart, and companies, and has been involved in numerous projects as an outsourced expert. Through the TechSEOHub website, he aims to share the expertise and experience he has gained from managing and developing (SEO) processes for many successful and large websites in the industry, and to produce content for easy access to accurate and high-quality information.