HTTP 202 Response Status Code Guide: What is it, Usage, Methods

May 07 2024 by Oskay Günaçar

What is HTTP 202 Status Code?

The HTTP 202 Status Code is used to indicate that a request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. It's typically used for asynchronous operations where the request is valid and has been initiated, but the final outcome isn't immediately available. This status code allows the server to send back a response indicating that the request is in progress, without having to wait for the full process to complete. It's often used in scenarios where tasks take a significant amount of time or require further processing which will be completed at a later time.

Importance of the HTTP 202 Status Code in SEO

The HTTP 202 Status Code, while useful in managing server responses for ongoing processes, generally holds minimal direct significance in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here's a breakdown of its relevance and implications:

  1. Asynchronous Processing: HTTP 202 is used primarily for asynchronous tasks where the server acknowledges that a request has been received and will be processed, but not immediately. In SEO, the direct impact is minimal, but understanding server responses is crucial for diagnosing site behavior and performance.

  2. Site Performance and User Experience: Indirectly, if your website uses asynchronous processes efficiently (signaled by proper use of HTTP 202), it can enhance the user experience by making the site more responsive. Faster perceived loading times and efficient background processing can improve user engagement, which is a positive signal for search engines.

  3. Crawl Efficiency: For search engines, efficient server responses, including appropriate use of HTTP status codes, ensure better crawl efficiency. This means search engines can more effectively index the content of your site. Proper use of any HTTP status code, including HTTP 202, contributes to optimal server behavior, which indirectly supports SEO by ensuring content is accessible and server resources are used efficiently.

  4. Error Handling: While HTTP 202 is not directly an error code, its proper use is part of good server management and error handling practices. Ensuring that your server correctly handles and responds to requests with appropriate status codes can prevent SEO issues related to crawling and indexing.

In summary, while HTTP 202 is not a status code with direct SEO implications like HTTP 200 (success) or HTTP 404 (not found), its correct implementation is part of broader best practices in server management that contribute to a healthy, efficiently crawlable, and user-friendly website.

How to Use HTTP 202 Status Code for a Website?

Using the HTTP 202 Status Code effectively involves understanding when it's appropriate to apply it and implementing it correctly in your server-side code. Here are some key steps and considerations for using HTTP 202 on a website:

1. Identify Appropriate Use Cases

HTTP 202 is most applicable for operations that are accepted but not completed immediately. These could include:

  • Long-running data processing tasks.
  • Actions that require asynchronous processing, such as video encoding, batch data operations, or extensive calculations.
  • Requests that initiate a process whose result will be available later.

2. Server-Side Implementation

Incorporate HTTP 202 in the response where applicable. Depending on your backend technology, this implementation will vary. Here are examples for some common programming environments:

Python (using Flask):

from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/process-data', methods=['POST'])
def process_data():
    # Code to initiate the asynchronous task
    return jsonify({"message": "Request accepted, processing will be completed shortly."}), 202

Node.js (using Express):

const express = require('express');
const app = express();'/process-data', (req, res) => {
    // Code to initiate the asynchronous task
    res.status(202).send({ message: 'Request accepted, processing will be completed shortly.' });

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running'));

3. Provide Feedback to Clients

When using HTTP 202, it's good practice to provide clear feedback to the client about what's happening. This can include:

  • A message indicating that the request has been accepted and is being processed.
  • Information on how to check the status of the processing, such as a URL to poll or a reference ID to query.

4. Implement Status Checking

Since HTTP 202 implies that the operation is not immediately completed, providing a mechanism for clients to check the status of the request is crucial. This can be a simple endpoint that returns the current status of the process.

5. Handle Errors and Timeouts

Ensure that your asynchronous processes have error handling and timeout mechanisms. If something goes wrong or takes too long, you should have a way to inform the client or even revert the process if necessary.

6. Document the API Behavior

Make sure to document this behavior in your API documentation. Clearly explain when and why a HTTP 202 response is returned, and how clients should handle it.

By thoughtfully integrating HTTP 202 Status Code into your web applications where appropriate, you can enhance the client-server communication, especially in scenarios involving long-running tasks or asynchronous processing.

How to Check HTTP 202 Status Code?

To check for an HTTP 202 Status Code in response to web requests, you can use various tools and methods depending on your role (developer, tester, etc.) and the specifics of what you're trying to achieve. Here are some effective ways to check for HTTP 202 responses:

1. Using Browser Developer Tools

Most modern browsers have built-in developer tools that allow you to inspect network traffic. Here’s how you can use them to check for HTTP status codes:

  • Open your browser and navigate to the website or the specific action you want to test.
  • Right-click on the page and select "Inspect" or press Ctrl+Shift+I (or Cmd+Option+I on Mac) to open the developer tools.
  • Go to the "Network" tab.
  • Perform the action that triggers the request.
  • Look through the list of network requests and click on the relevant one to see details. The status code will be displayed among the headers.

2. Using Command Line Tools like curl

The curl command is a versatile tool available on most Unix-based systems (including Linux and macOS) and Windows. It can be used to make requests and display the response headers.

curl -I

This command will fetch the headers for the given URL. Look for the line starting with HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2, which will show the status code.

3. Writing Code to Check Status Codes

If you are developing software or testing an API, you might want to write code to check the status code programmatically. Here’s how you might do it in Python using the requests library:

import requests

response ='', data={'key': 'value'})
if response.status_code == 202:
    print("Request accepted and processing is pending.")
    print("Received different status code:", response.status_code)

4. Using Postman

Postman is a popular tool for API testing that makes it easy to send requests and inspect responses:

  • Open Postman and create a new request.
  • Enter the URL and set the appropriate HTTP method (e.g., POST, GET).
  • Send the request and look at the status code displayed in the response area.

5. Automated Testing Scripts

For automated integration or end-to-end tests, you can use frameworks like Selenium or tools like Jest for API testing to verify that your application correctly handles and returns HTTP 202 responses under the right conditions.

6. Monitoring Tools

If you are monitoring an application in production, tools like New Relic, Datadog, or even custom logging solutions can be configured to alert you when your application sends specific HTTP responses like 202.

Each of these methods can help you verify that your application or the API you are interacting with handles processes correctly and uses HTTP 202 appropriately in scenarios that require asynchronous processing.

Which HTTP Method is used with HTTP 202 Status Code?

The HTTP 202 Status Code can technically be used with any HTTP method, as it is primarily about indicating the acceptance of a request that has not yet been completed. However, it is most commonly associated with methods that initiate a process or task on the server, particularly those that might require some time to complete. Here’s how HTTP 202 is typically used with various HTTP methods:


  • Most Common Usage: The POST method is often used to submit data to be processed to a server. For example, when a client sends data to be processed asynchronously (like starting a job to process uploaded files), the server might respond with HTTP 202 to indicate that it has received the request and the processing is underway but not yet complete.

2. PUT

  • Usage Scenario: PUT is typically used to update existing resources or create a new resource at a specific URL. If the update process is asynchronous, such as updating a large set of data that needs substantial processing time, a server might use HTTP 202 to indicate that the request is accepted but not completed.


  • Potential Usage: In cases where a DELETE request starts a process that is not immediately completed (like deleting a large number of records which requires time), HTTP 202 could be appropriate to signal that the deletion process has begun but is not yet finalized.

4. GET

  • Less Common Usage: While GET requests generally expect immediate data retrieval and thus typically use HTTP 200 (OK) to indicate successful retrieval, there are scenarios where a GET request might initiate a process that takes time. In such cases, a 202 response could be used to indicate that the request for data retrieval has been accepted and processing is ongoing.


  • Usage Scenario: PATCH, which is used for partial updates to resources, could similarly use HTTP 202 if the patch operation initiates a lengthy process or if the changes need to be processed before they can be considered complete.

In summary, while HTTP 202 can technically be used with any HTTP method, it is most commonly and appropriately used with POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH, where the request leads to an operation whose completion is pending. It serves as a useful tool for managing client expectations in asynchronous operations across various HTTP methods.

What is the Browser Compatibility of HTTP 202 Status Code?

The HTTP 202 Status Code, like most other standard HTTP status codes, is universally supported across all major web browsers. This includes modern versions of browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and others. The interpretation of HTTP status codes is a fundamental part of the HTTP protocol, which is consistently implemented across these platforms.

Key Points on Browser Compatibility for HTTP 202:

  1. Protocol Standardization: HTTP status codes are part of the HTTP protocol, which is standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Since HTTP 202 is defined in the HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC 7231), it is supported by any client or server that conforms to the standards of the HTTP protocol.

  2. Browser Handling: While browsers universally recognize HTTP 202 as a status code, how they handle it depends largely on the context in which it's used and the specific implementation of the client-side logic. For instance, if a browser receives a 202 status in response to a form submission, it is up to the web application to inform the user appropriately about the state of the process, as the browser itself does not provide specific actions or UI changes based on a 202 response.

  3. No UI Impact: Unlike some other status codes (like 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error), receiving a 202 status does not trigger any default user interface behavior in browsers. The browser simply passes the status code to the application, which must then decide how to handle it (e.g., displaying a message to the user).

  4. Scripting and APIs: In web development, handling of HTTP 202 is typically managed via JavaScript (for client-side logic) using APIs like fetch or XMLHttpRequest. These APIs provide developers with the status code of HTTP responses, allowing them to implement appropriate client-side logic.

  5. No Compatibility Issues: Since the status code is a basic part of the HTTP response, there are no compatibility issues specifically associated with HTTP 202. Any compatibility considerations would be more about other features (like JavaScript, APIs, etc.) used to handle the response in the web application.

Best Practices for Handling HTTP 202

Handling the HTTP 202 Accepted status code effectively involves thoughtful design of both the server-side processing and the client-side interaction. This status code is particularly useful in scenarios where a request has been accepted for processing, but the processing is not completed. Here are some best practices for handling HTTP 202:

1. Clear Communication to Client

Ensure that the client clearly understands that the request has been accepted but is still processing. This can be communicated through:

  • A clear response message.
  • Additional details in the response, such as expected time for completion, or steps the client should follow next.

2. Provide Progress Updates

If the processing is expected to take a long time, consider providing a mechanism for the client to check the progress. This could be through:

  • A status endpoint where the client can check the progress using a unique operation ID provided in the initial 202 response.
  • Push notifications or webhooks to update the client when the status changes.

3. Documentation

Document the use of HTTP 202 in your API or server responses clearly in your public API documentation. Include:

  • Conditions under which a 202 might be returned.
  • How the client should respond to a 202.
  • What the expected follow-ups are (e.g., checking status, handling eventual completion).

4. Implement Robust Error Handling

Even though a 202 status indicates that the processing has started successfully, ensure that your system can handle errors that might occur during the asynchronous process. Consider:

  • Implementing retries for failures.
  • Sending error notifications if the process fails after a 202 response has been sent.

5. Timeout and Expiry Policies

Define clear policies for timeouts or expiry of the request status. This is crucial to prevent clients from waiting indefinitely or polling a status endpoint that will never update. Communicate these policies through:

  • API documentation.
  • The initial 202 response (e.g., providing an expiration time for the operation).

6. Security Considerations

Secure the process of checking the status of an operation. Ensure that:

  • Only authorized clients can check the status of their operations.
  • Sensitive data is not exposed unnecessarily in status responses or progress updates.

7. Consistency in Response Formats

Maintain consistency in how responses are structured across different endpoints and status codes. This helps clients handle responses predictably and effectively.

8. Testing and Monitoring

Thoroughly test the implementation of HTTP 202 responses to ensure that the system behaves as expected under various scenarios. Monitor the endpoints that handle these responses to identify and rectify issues quickly.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use HTTP 202 to enhance the responsiveness and scalability of your web services, especially in situations involving long-running tasks or operations.


In conclusion, the HTTP 202 Status Code serves as a crucial tool for managing client-server interactions, especially in scenarios where operations are processed asynchronously. This status code indicates that a request has been accepted but is still in the processing phase, offering a flexible way to handle operations that require time beyond the immediate response cycle. By effectively implementing HTTP 202, developers can enhance the responsiveness and efficiency of web applications, ensuring users remain informed about the status of their requests without hindering the performance of the server.

For developers and server administrators, it's essential to understand not only how to implement HTTP 202, but also how to communicate its meaning to clients clearly. Proper documentation, robust error handling, and consistent response formats play pivotal roles in making HTTP 202 work effectively in any system. Additionally, providing mechanisms for status checking and progress updates can significantly improve user experience, making the process transparent and predictable.

As technology evolves and web applications become increasingly complex, the ability to manage asynchronous tasks efficiently becomes more important. HTTP 202 is a testament to the web's capability to handle such complexities, providing a standardized approach to acknowledge ongoing processes. By adhering to best practices for HTTP 202 implementation, developers can ensure that their applications are not only robust and user-friendly but also aligned with the technical standards that facilitate smooth and scalable web communication.

Oskay Günaçar
Oskay Günaçar is a Technical SEO expert and backend developer. His main areas of interest are back-end programming, Python, Django, Go, semantic SEO, technical SEO. With more than 5 years of SEO experience, he has held SEO specialist positions at İkiler, Webtures, Boosmart, and companies, and has been involved in numerous projects as an outsourced expert. Through the TechSEOHub website, he aims to share the expertise and experience he has gained from managing and developing (SEO) processes for many successful and large websites in the industry, and to produce content for easy access to accurate and high-quality information.