HTTP 205 Response Status Code Guide: What is it, Usage, Methods

May 11 2024 by Oskay Günaçar

What is HTTP 205 Status Code?

The HTTP 205 status code, known as "Reset Content," is sent by a server in response to a client's request. This status code tells the client to reset the document view, which is the user interface of the application, to its original state.

It is particularly useful in scenarios where the user needs to clear form fields or reset a user interface without requiring a change to the current page's content. Unlike the HTTP 204 status code, which also indicates that no content is being returned, HTTP 205 specifically instructs the client to perform a reset of the view.

Importance of the HTTP 205 Status Code in SEO

The HTTP 205 status code, "Reset Content," is not commonly associated with direct impacts on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). However, understanding its relevance in the context of user interactions and web application behavior can provide insights into its potential indirect effects:

  1. User Experience Enhancement: By enabling a web page to reset its content without reloading, HTTP 205 can contribute to a smoother and more responsive user experience. This is especially beneficial in web forms or interactive applications where users might need to clear data without navigating away from the page. Enhanced user experience can lead to longer engagement times and reduced bounce rates, which are positive signals for search engines.

  2. Efficiency in Web Applications: HTTP 205 can make web applications more efficient by minimizing the data that needs to be retransmitted for a page reset. This can reduce load times and server resources, contributing to better site performance—a factor that search engines consider in their rankings.

  3. Interaction Tracking: Implementations that involve HTTP 205 might be part of a strategy to enhance how user interactions are handled. Efficient handling of these interactions can lead to better analytics and understanding of user behavior, aiding in optimizing the site structure and content based on user needs.

  4. Reduced Server Load: By not requiring the server to resend information or reload entire pages, HTTP 205 can help in reducing server load. This improvement in server performance can indirectly benefit SEO by ensuring the website remains accessible and responsive, even under high traffic conditions, which is crucial for maintaining search engine rankings.

While HTTP 205 itself does not directly influence SEO, its proper use in web applications can indirectly affect factors that search engines consider when ranking sites. It's important to ensure that its implementation enhances user experience without inadvertently creating issues like confusing navigation or unexpected behavior, which could negatively impact SEO.

How to Use HTTP 205 Status Code for a Website?

To effectively use the HTTP 205 status code, "Reset Content," in a website, it's important to identify specific scenarios where a user interface reset can enhance the user experience without changing the current content of the page. Here's how you can implement it:

  1. Web Forms Reset: If your website includes forms for user input, such as contact forms, surveys, or search bars, HTTP 205 can be useful after the form submission. It can reset the form fields to their initial state, allowing users to fill them out again without manually clearing each field.

  2. Interactive Applications: In dynamic, single-page applications (like quizzes or interactive tools), HTTP 205 can be used to reset parts of the application without reloading the page. This is particularly useful in scenarios where users might want to restart a process or clear their inputs effectively.

  3. Implementation Steps:

    • Server-Side: When your server receives a request that necessitates a view reset (like a form submission), ensure that the server handles the request appropriately and then responds with a 205 status code.
    • Client-Side: On the client side, you need to configure your JavaScript to handle the 205 response correctly. This might involve clearing form fields, resetting certain UI elements, or even resetting local state in your web application.
  4. Testing: After implementation, thoroughly test the reset functionality across different browsers and devices to ensure consistent behavior. Pay attention to how the application handles state both before and after the reset to avoid any unexpected behavior.

  5. Usage Considerations: Since HTTP 205 is not as commonly used as other status codes, make sure its usage is intuitive and documented for anyone else working on your web project. This helps maintain the application and ensures consistent user experience.

By applying HTTP 205 strategically, you can enhance the responsiveness and user-friendliness of your website, making it more engaging for visitors. This could be a neat trick for interactive elements like quizzes, ensuring that users can start over without hassle or confusion, potentially leading to a more seamless interaction with your content.

How to Check HTTP 205 Status Code?

To check if your web server correctly sends an HTTP 205 status code in response to certain requests, you can use various tools and methods, ranging from browser developer tools to dedicated HTTP clients. Here’s how you can go about it:

1. Browser Developer Tools

Most modern web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, have built-in developer tools that can monitor network traffic, including HTTP responses.

  • Open Developer Tools: You can usually open this by right-clicking on the webpage and selecting "Inspect" or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I (or Cmd+Option+I on Mac).
  • Go to the Network Tab: Reload the page if necessary to start capturing the network activity.
  • Perform the Action: Trigger the action that should result in an HTTP 205 response, like submitting a form that should reset.
  • Inspect the Response: Look for the request in the network tab, and click on it to view the details. The headers should show a 205 status if it has been implemented correctly.

2. Command Line Tools

You can also use command-line tools like curl to make HTTP requests and view the server responses.

curl -i

This command fetches headers from the specified URL. Look for HTTP/1.1 205 Reset Content in the output.

3. HTTP Client Applications

Dedicated HTTP client applications like Postman or Insomnia can be used to send requests and view responses in a more user-friendly interface compared to command-line tools.

  • Set up your request in the application.
  • Send the request and look at the response status and headers.

4. Automated Testing Tools

If you are developing a web application and want to integrate checking for HTTP 205 status codes into your automated tests, you can use testing frameworks like:

  • Selenium: For integration tests that simulate browser interactions.
  • JUnit (for Java applications), pytest (for Python applications), or similar frameworks in other languages can be configured to check HTTP responses as part of unit or integration tests.

5. Online Tools

There are also online services and tools like HTTP Status Checker that can check HTTP headers and responses, which might be simpler if you don't want to set up dedicated software.

Checking Correctness

When checking for an HTTP 205 response, ensure that it not only sends the correct status code but also behaves as expected on the client side (e.g., resetting form fields without reloading the page). This often requires both server-side configuration and client-side handling (like JavaScript to clear fields or reset UI elements). Make sure to test across different browsers to ensure consistent behavior, especially given the less common use of the 205 status code.

Which HTTP Method is used with HTTP 205 Status Code?

The HTTP 205 status code, "Reset Content," is typically used in response to HTTP POST requests. The POST method is commonly associated with actions that submit data to be processed by the server, such as form submissions, where the server might need to instruct the client to reset the input form after the data has been successfully handled.

Here’s a breakdown of the typical scenario:

  • User Interaction: A user fills out a form on a website and submits it.
  • Server Processes Data: The server receives the form data via a POST request, processes it, and decides no new content needs to be displayed.
  • HTTP 205 Sent: Instead of responding with a new page or content, the server sends an HTTP 205 response. This instructs the client to clear the form (or reset other UI elements) to its original state, making it ready for new input if necessary.

While HTTP 205 can technically be used with any HTTP method that modifies state, such as PUT or DELETE, it is most logically and commonly used with POST, especially in scenarios where a clean state is required immediately following the action without changing the current display or navigating away.

What is the Browser Compatibility of HTTP 205 Status Code?

The HTTP 205 status code, "Reset Content," is part of the HTTP/1.1 standard and is generally supported by all modern web browsers as part of their standard HTTP protocol handling. However, the direct impact and handling of a 205 response—particularly how the browser resets the document view without changing the current content—can vary slightly between browsers and their versions.

Key Points:

  • Standard Compliance: All modern browsers are compliant with HTTP/1.1 standards, which include the HTTP 205 status code. This means that the response itself is recognized and processed by browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and others.

  • Client-Side Behavior: The specification requires that the client resets the document view, which can mean clearing form data or other UI elements. However, how this is implemented can depend on the browser and how web developers use JavaScript or other client-side scripts to manage the state of the page after a 205 response.

  • Lack of Explicit Control: Unlike some other HTTP responses, handling 205 might not always provide explicit or clear controls within the browser for custom handling. Developers often need to ensure that their JavaScript code appropriately handles the reset action when a 205 status is received.

  • Testing and Compatibility: It is advisable for developers to test the behavior of HTTP 205 responses across different browsers and devices to ensure consistent user experience. Given that the use of HTTP 205 is less common, there might be less documentation and fewer community resources on handling it compared to more frequently used status codes.

Best Practice:

For web developers, it is important to not only rely on the browser's handling of HTTP 205 but also to implement client-side logic that explicitly resets the necessary elements of the page. This ensures that regardless of slight differences in browser behavior, the intended user experience is consistent. For instance, using JavaScript to clear forms or reset UI components upon receiving a 205 response ensures that all users see the same outcome.

Overall, while browser compatibility for HTTP 205 is broadly supported, the exact behavior and implementation should be thoroughly tested as part of the website's quality assurance process.

Best Practices for Handling HTTP 205

When using the HTTP 205 status code "Reset Content" effectively in your web applications, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure optimal functionality and user experience. Here are some key guidelines to consider:

1. Appropriate Use Cases

Use HTTP 205 in scenarios where it’s crucial to reset the user interface without changing the content of the current document. Common use cases include:

  • Form submissions: Reset form fields after successful submission without reloading the page or navigating away.
  • Interactive applications: Reset parts of an application, like a search filter or a multi-step process, to their initial state.

2. Clear Client-Side Handling

Ensure that your client-side code properly handles the 205 response. This typically involves:

  • JavaScript Implementation: Write JavaScript to explicitly clear or reset form fields and other UI components when a 205 response is received.
  • Testing Across Browsers: Since browser behavior may vary, test the implementation across different environments to ensure consistent behavior.

3. User Feedback

Provide clear feedback to the user that their action has been processed and the UI has been reset. This can be achieved through:

  • Visual Confirmations: Use alerts, banners, or toast messages to inform the user that their data was successfully submitted and the form has been reset.
  • Disable Unnecessary Actions: Temporarily disable submission buttons or provide a loading indicator while the request is being processed to prevent duplicate submissions.

4. Avoid Misuse

HTTP 205 should not be used as a substitute for other status codes where they are more appropriate. For instance:

  • Do not use it for redirections. Instead, use status codes like 302 (Found) or 303 (See Other) for redirecting clients to different URLs after an action.
  • Do not use it for error handling. Use relevant 4xx codes to handle client errors and 5xx codes for server errors.

5. Ensure Compatibility

Even though HTTP 205 is supported by most modern browsers, ensure compatibility by:

  • Fallback Mechanisms: Implement fallback mechanisms for older browsers or unusual client configurations that might not handle 205 properly.
  • Progressive Enhancement: Design web interactions so that functionality degrades gracefully in environments where HTTP 205 might not be fully supported.

6. Documentation and Maintenance

Document the use of HTTP 205 responses within your codebase and maintain clear documentation for other developers who might work on the project. Include:

  • Code Comments: Describe why and where HTTP 205 is used.
  • Developer Documentation: Include references in developer guides or API documentation to explain how HTTP 205 responses should be handled and what they are intended for.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use HTTP 205 to improve the responsiveness and user-friendliness of your web applications, enhancing overall user experience without compromising functionality.


In conclusion, the HTTP 205 status code, "Reset Content," serves a specialized but crucial role in enhancing user interactions within web applications. By effectively resetting user interfaces without altering the content of the page, it provides a seamless experience for users, particularly in environments that involve form submissions or interactive elements. Although not directly influencing SEO, the indirect benefits of improved user experience and reduced server load contribute positively to website performance metrics that are valued by search engines.

Understanding and implementing HTTP 205 correctly requires careful consideration of use cases, client-side handling, and thorough testing across various browsers to ensure consistent behavior. By adhering to best practices, developers can leverage this status code to maintain efficient, user-friendly applications that align with modern web standards. While HTTP 205 may not be as commonly used as other status codes, its proper use can significantly enhance the functionality and responsiveness of a web application, thereby enriching the user's interaction with the site.

Remember, the success of implementing such HTTP responses lies in the details—clear user feedback, appropriate use cases, and robust client-side handling. With these practices in place, HTTP 205 can be a valuable tool in the arsenal of web development, contributing to smoother, more engaging digital experiences.

Oskay Günaçar
Oskay Günaçar is a Technical SEO expert and backend developer. His main areas of interest are back-end programming, Python, Django, Go, semantic SEO, technical SEO. With more than 5 years of SEO experience, he has held SEO specialist positions at İkiler, Webtures, Boosmart, and companies, and has been involved in numerous projects as an outsourced expert. Through the TechSEOHub website, he aims to share the expertise and experience he has gained from managing and developing (SEO) processes for many successful and large websites in the industry, and to produce content for easy access to accurate and high-quality information.